Reasons I steal my kids snacks #ForUsNotYou #NoJunkJourney

Do you steal your children’s snacks? If so, you’re not alone. In a recent survey from Organix 1 in 4 parents said they pinch their little one’s snacks because they taste so good and nearly half of parents admit to sneakily stealing their little one’s snacks under the guise of tasting to check it’s OK. I confess that I regularly steal my children’s snacks. It doesn’t make me very popular with them, but I have very good reasons…

Reason #1: “I just needed something quick and healthy for brekkie”

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Ever tried Organix Fruit & Seed bites? My two year old would literally walk over hot coals for them - and I don’t blame him, they’re delicious. I can’t work out which is my favourite - the cocoa or the cocoa & coconut- they’re both so good. I’ve recently started stirring them through my porridge in the mornings which takes breakfast to another level. And they’re healthy - like all the Organix Goodies range - made with just fruit, seeds and no added sugar or anything unnecessary. Woe betide me if my toddler finds out...

Reason #2: “I just needed something to dunk in my tea”

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Organix gingerbread men are almost too good for kids. How can something that delicious not be bad for you? They’re made from wholegrain flour and sweetened with grape juice - with no added sugar! Plus they have awesome dunkability. Perfect to go with a cup of tea instead of a sugary biscuit (or ten) that I’ll regret later. Sorry, not sorry, kids.

Reason #3: “I fancied a little snack with my drink”

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Organix cheese & onion lentil hoops are my kids current favourite lunchbox snack. They’re also one of my favourite snacks too - especially with a little drink in the evenings in front of the telly. Forget peanuts and crisps - lentil hoops are made with 65% lentils so protein based and keep you fuller for longer. Organix snacks are made with real ingredients to give flavour - no wonder they taste so good. And you can put them on your fingers to wear like rings!

Reason #4: “I was craving something sweet”

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Have you ever tried Organix strawberry rice cakes dipped in chocolate? Melt 25g of chocolate in a small bowl and dunk away - it goes quite far - satisfying a chocolate craving without devouring an entire bar. It’s an almost-healthy chocolate fountain on a very small scale. Strawberry & chocolate go perfectly together. You’re essentially eating organic puffed rice, but it feels so much greater than that. My kids must never ever find out that this is a thing.

Reason #5: “I just needed a small snack to fit in my handbag”

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Oh dear. I’m using my smallest handbag again. The only thing that will fit in there will be an Organix soft oaty bar or fruit & seed bites and I desperately need something to eat while I watch you swim / play football / at dance club. Please don’t get cross and disrupt the lesson if you see me eating your snacks, it’s the only thing that would fit in my bag. Plus those oaty bars keep me full up until dinner time.

 Check out this video Organix has created in partnership with comedian Sam Avery, revealing little ones think their snacks are just too good to share - it’s so funny and sweet. I particularly like the baby 20 seconds in - that expression says it all!

Do you ever swipe your kids snacks? Do you have any favourites? Have your kids ever caught you munching their snacks? How did they react? Share your #ForUsNotYou moments.


This is a sponsored post in association with Organix. Words & opinions are my own.