8 Quick & Easy No Junk Party Food Ideas

Here's a few quick and easy 'no junk' ideas for party food - alternatives to the usual high-sugar and high-salt ready made snacks. I served these up at Joshua's 9th birthday party which we had at home last week and they were very well received. I particularly liked the cupcakes and the rice cakes. 

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1. Star Baker

These little fairy cakes are sweetened with mango puree and maple syrup instead of refined sugar - the recipe is here. The frosting is simply cream cheese with a little maple syrup stirred through and I used some of the Organix gummy stars and cows to decorate them. They were absolutely delicious and make a quick, easy and healthy alternative to cupcakes.  

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2. Fruity Fondue

Greek yoghurt with some fruit puree swirled through made a fun and healthy alternative to a chocolate fondue. As well as berries and chopped fruit, the kids enjoyed dunking the Organix mini gingerbread men - head first of course! 

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3. Traffic-light tomatoes

This is so each to do with a box of multicoloured cherry tomatoes. Simply cut them in half and thread them onto some cocktail sticks make these cute little 'traffic lights'. Next time I will thread a little cube of cheese between each 'light'.

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4. Rice Rice Baby

With a few tasty toppings, the little Organix apple & cinnamon rice cakes make very pretty party food. I made peanut butter and banana, cream cheese with pear & honey and strawberries with a drizzle of melted organic dark chocolate.

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5. Going for a dip

Houmous & crudité is always a favourite at kids parties. Home-made houmous is much healthier and cheaper than shop bought and it can be whipped up in seconds. I sometimes make roasted red pepper houmous by adding some jarred roasted red peppers to the chickpeas before blitzing. I served some crunchy Organix carrot sticks as an alternative to crisps alongside the usual veg, which saved me some chopping.

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6. Lollypop, lollypop

I never bother with sandwiches at parties anymore, they always get left. However, these little pinwheels on sticks got demolished. They are so easy to make using tortilla wraps. Simply spread the wrap all over with your fillings, roll it tight and slice. It's actually easier to stick the cocktail sticks in before you slice it. Make sure the fillings are not too dry or they will fall apart. I made ham and cream cheese and grated carrot mixed with houmous.

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7. Gingerbread winners

Instead of iced-biscuits, I gave some of the Organix gingerbread men a bit of a make-over using organic dark chocolate, flaked almonds and sesame seeds using maple syrup for glue. This is also a really fun activity that kids can do at parties as well. Desiccated coconut (with maple glue) is brilliant for turning gingerbread men into snowmen!

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8. Quick wins

Organix Goodies mini oaty bites come in colourful wrappers and look great on the party table. The large Organix carrot puffs also make a brilliant alternative to party crisps. They are healthy and tasty instant no junk party treats.

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Now over to you... Do you think it's important for kids to have healthy treats at parties? Do you have a favourite healthy recipe you often use when it's party time? I'd love to hear! Please comment below.

Disclaimer: this part of a series of sponsored posts for Organix. Words, opinions and photographs are my own.