Celebrating 25 Years of Red Nose Day #TeamHonk #GoodWork
Can you believe this year is the 25th anniversary of Red Nose Day?
To mark this occasion, Comic Relief are celebrating the progress and the difference public donations have made, both in Africa and here in the UK.
As part of this, three bloggers, Annie from Mammasaurus, Tanya from Mummy Barrow and Penny from Alexander Residence, AKA Team Honk, visited Accra, Ghana with Comic Relief on 4th & 5th February this week. They went to visit and report back on four Comic Relief funded projects.
It's definitely worth visiting teamhonk.org to see what they have been up to on their trip. Incredible eye opening stuff. Penny has posted lots of great videos too. If you do twitter, follow these ladies at @aresidence @mammasaurusblog @mummybarrow - If you send them a tweet use the hashtags #goodwork #teamhonk
I really take my hat off to these mamas. They have worked extremely hard, made sacrifices, juggled kids and lost sleep to make this happen. These are ladies with a passion to make a difference.
I was lucky enough to be sent a digital postcard from Team Honk showing some of the good work done by Comic Relief. I was delighted that it involved baking bread! Here it is:
Hello Filipa!
This morning we visited the Virtuous Women's Bakery where we met women who make,bake and sell their own bread with an industrial oven bought with funds received from Comic Relief. Such positive and empowered women and mothers who thanks to a nursery they set up themselves adjoining the bakery, can work within a stone's throw of their children!
Love, Annie, Penny & Tanya x

This is a digital postcard sent from TeamHonk during their travels with Comic Relief in Ghana celebrating the #goodwork of Red Nose Day.
For the past 25 years the money raised through Red Nose Day has been changing the lives of the poorest and most disadvantaged people in the UK and Africa. Let’s Keep Up the Good Work. Find out how at rednoseday.com
For other digital postcards please do check out the linky on www.teamhonk.org