The World's Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan
Today was The World's Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan, the incredible charity who support people with cancer. All over the UK, thousands of people were hosting coffee mornings and this year, for the first time I was one of them!

The kind folks at Tassimo sent me a box of baking goodies and Kenco coffee pods to help make the event special. I baked some Oreo brownies and scones with pear and ginger jam. I also made hot chocolate spoons for the first time, which were very cute and a hit with the kids.

My friend Laura described the Oreo brownies as 'dirty' which is most definitely a compliment. They looked brilliant when they were cut up, but they were very easy to make. I used this brownie recipe and submerged a packet of Oreo cookies into the top of the mixture in the tin before baking.

Friends, family and several crazy toddlers came to eat cake, drink coffee and play. It was great fun to get together, especially in the name of a good cause. We raised £60 for Macmillan, which was fantastic! I'll definitely be doing it again next year!